+48 739 599 424 greg@kmxstudio.com

Savings calculator



Check how much you can save by using our services instead of employing full-time graphic designer.



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Annual salary
Average European salary of a graphic designer with little or no experience is 40k €/year. A graphic designer with a few years’ experience can easily earn over 50k €


Entry costs
A graphic workstation or screen may exceed the cost of a regular computer set up several times. Also, expensive software licences have to be taken into consideration. A fully-equipped graphic designer’s workplace is an average cost of 10-12k €


Annual leave
Holiday is a real cost you have to consider. It may significantly increase if the project needs completing during employee's absence. In Europe, on average, annual leave is roughly 21-26 days.


Off-sick days
European average is fairly even and unchanged for years. An average employee spends around 10-15 off-sick days each year.


Bank holidays
It's also a cost that should not be underestimated. Depending on country and calendar, employee might spend around 12 days off work per year.


Work efficiency
Let’s face it – we all have better and worse days. Coffee breaks, chats, social media waste much more time than you might think. According to recent research, 60-70% work efficiency is a really great result.

Ordering pre-paid graphic services at KMX Studio you only pay for the work we have actually done. The savings can be very significant.

Based on the graphic designer's annual salary you have chosen at [item-358_price], entry costs of [item-359_price]

and the remaining paramters, the actual hourly labour cost is [item-352_price].

Giving us the same amount of work you will save [item-356_price]% equalling [item-355_price].


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Total :

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